Braised Paroo Kangaroo Tail, Pepper Berry Mash, Greens.

Braised Paroo Kangaroo Tail, Pepper Berry Mash, Greens.


20 Mins


2 hours


4 People


  • 16 pieces Paroo Kangaroo Tail
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 2 carrots, cut in to large chunks
  • 2 sticks celery, diced
  • 2 large potatoes, quartered
  • 4 sprigs thyme
  • 4 large cloves garlic
  • 250ml red wine
  • 1L beef stock
  • Warndu Native Salt & Pepper
  • Warrigal Greens or Baby spinach



  1. Place a large heavy based pot on the stove over a medium heat. Add a small splash of olive oil. Add half of the kangaroo tail. It will stick a bit so keep gently shaking the pan and move your tongs around in the pot to help stop it sticking too much. If the pan dries up at any stage and the kangaroo isn’t frying add a little more oil. Once lightly browned all over remove from the pot and repeat with the rest of the kangaroo tail. Set aside.

  2. Add more oil to the pot and cook onions over medium heat for 5 minutes. Once the onions have softened and begin to caramelise add the carrot, celery, garlic and thyme. Cook for a further 8 minutes stirring regularly. Its really important to take your time at this first stage of cooking as these vegetables are the base flavour of the dish.

  3. Add red wine, bring to the boil and reduce by about 1/3 (4-5 mins). Return the kangaroo tail to the pot along with the stock. Bring to the boil. Skim off any foam. Reduce the heat to a low simmer, just a few bubbles and plenty of steam. Place the lid on and cook for 2 hours stirring every half an hour. Its important to make sure the bottom pieces get stirred up to the top so it cooks evenly. Add potatoes after 1 hour.

  4. Once the kangaroo is tender and easily falls from the bone, remove and set aside. Skim any fat from the top and discard. Pick out the thyme stalks and discard. Turn up the heat to reduce the sauce and thicken. About 10 minutes.

  5. When the sauce is looking thick and glossy add the kangaroo back in to warm up and coat in the thick glossy sauce.

  6. Serve with mash potato, seasoned with Warndu Native Salt & Pepper and garnish with fresh Warrigal Greens or Baby Spinach.


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